Growing up in Herman, Missouri, Nathaniel Rateliff started his music career playing in his family’s band at church and music became an obsession for him and his friends.
In seventh grade Rateliff's father was killed in a car crash, which forced him to drop out of school to help provide for his family. One of Rateliff's full-time jobs was working as a janitor at what would have been his high school. At 19, Rateliff moved to Denver where he worked night shifts at a bottle factory and a trucking company while testing out songs at open-mic nights. After playing rock music in various incarnations, Rateliff began gravitating towards a folksier sound. In 2010 he released In Memory of Loss a solo album on Rounder Records. In 2013 Rateliff released Falling Faster Than You Can Run on modyvi records flooded by the Closer ep.
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